Hans Simon Holtzbecker | Page 2

Hans Simon Holtzbecker | Page 2

548 artworks found

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Narcissus tazetta (tazet); Narci...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Hibiscus syriacus (syrisk rose)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Papaver somniferum (opium-valmue)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Saxifraga rotundifolia (rundblad...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Vitis vinifera (almindelig vin)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Leucanthemum vulgare (hvid okseø...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Geranium phaeum (bølgekronet sto...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Convallaria majalis rosea (rød l...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Cornus mas (kirsebær-kornel)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Vinca minor (liden singrøn)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aster amellus (virgil-asters); S...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Iris susiana (sørge-iris)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Scolymus hispanicus (spansk guld...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Tulipa gesneriana (have-tulipan)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium pyrenaicum (pyrenæisk lilje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Ranunculus asiaticus (have-ranun...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Prunus persica (fersken); Prunus...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Nigella sativa (sortkommen); Nig...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Calendula officinalis (have-morg...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Iris latifolia (engelsk iris)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Syringa ×persica (persisk syren)...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Dianthus plumarius (fjer-nellike)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Solanum pseudocapsicum (jerusale...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Consolida ajacis (have-ridderspore)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Allium sphaerocephalon (middelha...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Fritillaria imperialis (kejserkr...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Ranunculus monspeliacus (silke-r...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aquilegia vulgaris (almindelig a...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aquilegia vulgaris (almindelig a...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Narcissus pseudonarcissus moscha...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Dianthus barbatus (studenter-nel...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Ecballium elaterium (æselagurk)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Jasminum officinale (læge-jasmin)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Dianthus barbatus (studenter-nel...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Iris latifolia (engelsk iris)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Mirabilis jalapa (vidunderblomst...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Ophrys apifera eller Ophrys sphe...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Papaver somniferum (opium-valmue)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Narcissus pseudonarcissus (påske...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Amaranthus tricolor (papegøje-am...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus (gu...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Citrus limon (almindelig citron)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Rhus typhina (hjortetaktræ)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Colchicum variegatum (plettet ti...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Butomus umbellatus (brudelys); P...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Dracocephalum moldavica (moldavi...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Anemone ×fulgens (skinnende anem...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Paeonia mascula (rosen-silkeplante)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aquilegia vulgaris (almindelig a...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium martagon (krans-lilje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium pyrenaicum (pyrenæisk lilje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Glebionis coronaria (kron-okseøje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Ranunculus asiaticus (have-ranun...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Hyacinthus orientalis (almindeli...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Atropa belladonna (galnebær)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Phlomis fruticosa (almindelig lø...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Verbascum blattaria (klase-konge...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Primula veris (hybrid af hulkrav...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Crocus vernus (vår-krokus)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Spiraea salicifolia (pilebladet ...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium pyrenaicum (pyrenæisk lil...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Citrus limon (almindelig citron)...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Scilla bifolia (tobladet skilla)...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Anemone coronaria (fransk anemon...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Polygonatum verticillatum (krans...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Viola odorata (marts-viol)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aster linosyris (guldhår-asters)...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium bulbiferum (brand-lilje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aquilegia vulgaris (almindelig a...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Antirrhinum majus (have-løvemund)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Clematis integrifolia (blå staud...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium martagon (krans-lilje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Pilosella aurantiaca (pomerans-h...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Iris ×sambucina (hylde-iris); Ir...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Acorus calamus (almindelig kalmus)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Tagetes patula (udspærret fløjls...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Capnoides sempervirens (harlekin...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lilium candidum (madonna-lilje)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Asphodelus ramosus (grenet affodil)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Silene viscaria (almindelig tjær...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Narcissus ×incomparabilis (have-...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Hypericum androsaemum (bær-perikon)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Hibiscus syriacus (syrisk rose)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Iris latifolia (engelsk iris); I...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Opuntia ficus-indica, Opuntia hu...
Undated | Gouache on parchment, over two pages

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Arum italicum (italiensk arum)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Anemone coronaria (fransk anemone)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Dianthus caryophyllus (have-nell...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Canna indica (spiselig kanna)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Silene latifolia (aften-pragtstj...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Datura stramonium (almindelig pi...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Lupinus pilosus (blå lupin); Lup...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Tulipa gesneriana (have-tulipan)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Argemone mexicana (mexicansk pig...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Scabiosa atropurpurea (enkebloms...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Fritillaria meleagris (almindeli...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Silene coronaria (krone-limurt)
Undated |

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Paeonia mascula (storbladet pæon)
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Aconitum lycoctonum (nordisk sto...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Hans Simon Holtzbecker
Muscari botryoides (almindelig p...
Undated | gouache on parchment

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Frequently Asked Questions about Meisterdrucke

Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


   Kärntner Strasse 46
        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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